10 Different Types Of Bosses And How To Work With Them
Working with a boss is just a natural part of life. Whether you work a typical 9-5 desk job reporting to a manager, or you work as a freelancer reporting to clients, it’s important to understand how to work effectively with a boss. Today, we’ll help you identify different kinds of bosses and how to work with the type of boss you have (or might have in the future). Boss Type #1: The Workaholic A workaholic boss works long hours, sometimes during the weekends, and seems to have endless energy. It may take some extra effort to keep up with this kind of boss, but the payout can be worth it when you and your team reach goals far ahead of schedule. The key to keeping up with a workaholic boss is finding the perfect work-life balance . You can achieve that by setting clear boundaries at work and at home so the two don't interfere with one another in a detrimental way. Make sure to take natural breaks such as evenings, weekends, and holidays to rejuvenate, and then give 110% when you'...