
Zach & David of ABC Beer Company: Neighborhood Bar & Beer Store

There’s something special about the way the community supports small businesses in Alphabet City, an area on the east side of Lower Manhattan in New York. But when foot traffic was unexpectedly eliminated, neighborhood institutions like  ABC Beer Company  had to get creative and adapt. In 2012, when Zach Mack and David Hitchner opened ABC, a bar and retail beer store, they received a pretty harsh welcome message: Hurricane Sandy. The Hurricane made landfall in New York City just one week after they opened, leaving many, including ABC, without any power and with extensive property damage.They were able to quickly clean up the damage and open up shop, for the second time, just a few days later. Having already experienced one natural disaster, Zach and David didn’t panic when COVID-19 arrived in NYC. Thankfully, the governor designated liquor stores essential businesses, so they could remain open for patrons to purchase beer. “We had to have a very sudden conversation th

Ana Bravo of Bravo Java: Heritage Shoe Brand

Meet  Bravo Java , a family-run shoe company, founded in 1942, who found the silver lining in a global pandemic and used the opportunity to update their digital marketing efforts and refresh their brand. With five retail locations around Madrid and Barcelona,  Bravo Java  is a heritage brand with a rich legacy and history in the Spanish market. But when COVID-19 hit earlier this year, operations in their five retail locations were shuttered, and the entire notion of casual, in-person retail was called into question. But necessity is the mother of reinvention. Managing Director, Ana Bravo, used the crisis as a springboard for energizing Bravo Java’s digital marketing and branding efforts. “Our physical stores have been closed for more than 2 months. We had to keep paying the rent, the electricity, and our manufacturers. It’s true we had an online store already, but the sales were minimal. The situation was dire. So, confined at home, we began to study the competition and saw that online

A Guide to Game UI Design

The game user interface (UI) design can make or break a player’s experience and satisfaction. You shouldn’t downplay its importance if you want to  develop a game  that thousands of players will install and share with their community. To help you create a wildly successful game, we’ll cover the ins and outs of game UI design in this guide. What Is UI in Video Games? Simply put, a video game UI is an interface consisting of components designed to help players find information, navigate, and accomplish goals within the game. Some of these video game UI components include level maps, coin counters, and life bars. Like UI design for mobile applications, video game UI design needs close attention to functionality and detail. What Is the Role of UI in Games? The purpose of video game UI is to let users perform tasks within the game world via direct input or through actions on a head-up display (HUD). The UI is the program’s section that allows human-computer interaction (HCI). The shape, col

10 Different Types Of Bosses And How To Work With Them

Working with a boss is just a natural part of life. Whether you work a typical 9-5 desk job reporting to a manager, or you work as a freelancer reporting to clients, it’s important to understand how to work effectively with a boss. Today, we’ll help you identify different kinds of bosses and how to work with the type of boss you have (or might have in the future). Boss Type #1: The Workaholic A workaholic boss works long hours, sometimes during the weekends, and seems to have endless energy. It may take some extra effort to keep up with this kind of boss, but the payout can be worth it when you and your team reach goals far ahead of schedule. The key to keeping up with a workaholic boss is  finding the perfect work-life balance . You can achieve that by setting clear boundaries at work and at home so the two don't interfere with one another in a detrimental way. Make sure to take natural breaks such as evenings, weekends, and holidays to rejuvenate, and then give 110% when you'

Build Apps Without Code and Grow Your Career

Wondering how no-code tools can help you grow as a freelancer? No-code tools are already disrupting software development the same way Fiverr has changed the gig economy, and Shopify has powered eCommerce building. No-code tools let you create software like mobile apps, websites, and more using visual methods like drag and drop builders. These tools have empowered the developer community to build and ship products faster than ever before – the good news is that anyone, regardless of their training or ability to code, can build software using no-code! The no-code economy boom has come at a time when the world economy is recovering from one of the largest economic downturns in history, and no-code tools have made it possible for many gig economy workers and businesses to not only stay afloat during this unpredictable time, but to thrive. No-code and the Gig Economy The number of freelancers in the United States is projected to reach  100 million by 2027 , and no-code will be a huge enable

5 Best Business Analytics Tools for Tracking Performance

If you’re looking to scale in the foreseeable future and increase your company’s revenue streams, it’s essential to have a diverse and robust tech stack. Utilizing the best business analytics tools can provide you with actionable insights to improve your business by helping you to make informed business decisions. Whether you’re a small-to-midsize business or a large enterprise, it’s essential to take advantage of data tools right away, and the good news is that business analytics software is now more accessible than ever. In this guide, you’ll find the top business analytics tools to help you collect, analyze, and convert data into reports. But first, let’s delve deeper into what business analytics tools are and how they can help your business. What Are Business Analytics Tools? Business analytics tools are usually known by several different names, such as BI tools or analytics software, but they’re often similar tools to one another. The general use of business analytics tools is to

What is a Penetration Test, and Does Your Website Need One?

Nearly 40% of Americans frequently worry about their personal information getting stolen by computer hackers, a recent  Gallup poll  revealed. It’s no wonder: Cyber attacks and data breaches regularly make news headlines. How easy would it be for criminals to hack your website and steal sensitive information about you and your customers? Penetration testing could help you find out. What is a Penetration Test? Penetration testing  — pen testing, for short — is sometimes called ethical hacking or white hat hacking. It can help you find and fix security flaws in your website and web applications before criminal hackers get a hold of sensitive data. Here’s how it works: With your permission, a  cyber-security pro  simulates a real-world cyber-attack on your website. They use the same tools and techniques as the bad guys to look for vulnerabilities in your site — and try to exploit them. Your tester will share their findings with you. You can use this information to plug up any security hol